You want to propose marriage to your sweetheart, but you still don't
know exactly how to do it? Then you will surely nd
a suitable idea
Winter time is cuddly time: the best time of year to ask the question of
all questions! You do not need to have cold feet in front of it, because
we will help you, so that in the end you will also hear a "yes".
Romantic - marriage proposals for romance lovers
Marriage proposal with designer candles - Love Edition
Culinary - marriage proposal with or with the help of food
Creative - tinker marriage proposal yourself
Adventurous - marriage proposals for adventure and adrenaline
Ready for the stage - marriage proposals in front of a large
Love at a distance - marriage proposals from a distance
Very easy - marriage proposals with child or baby
Romantic - marriage proposals for romance lovers
Marriage proposal with printed slate
A wonderful idea for your marriage proposal is a .
The great thing about this variant of the marriage proposal is that you
can then hang the slate plate as a decorative element in your home and
thus have a lifelong memento of this very special moment. You can
design the slate individually according to your wishes - whether with a
photo or just the question Do you want to marry me printed. You can
either camouage
yourself as a new room decoration, place it in the
apartment and wait for your loved one to discover it, or you can pack it
nicely as a gift and give it to your sweetheart at a romantic dinner or as
a Christmas present Birthday or anniversary

Application with message in a bottle
A unique idea for your marriage proposal is also a message in a bottle
with an . Whether you are planning a
romantic walk on the lake or a trip to the beach is entirely up to you. Of
course you can also combine the message in a bottle with a romantic
picnic by the lake
Wedding proposal with love lock
A to install is a beautiful proof of love: Why
not use this romantic ritual to your treasure to provide the soft alternate
border question? After a dinner together, your partner leads you to a
bridge with love locks and asks against a fantastic backdrop: "Do you
want to marry me?" It is best to sink the key into a river afterwards so
that the lock remains locked forever as a sign of eternal love.

Marriage proposal with a romantic sentence from your favorite book
Your sweetheart is a bookworm? Then with this marriage proposal you
are guaranteed to win his or her heart. The idea can be wonderfully
combined with another proposal variant and primarily concerns the
wording of the marriage proposal. If you have known your partner for a
long time, chances are that your favorite book has already been
discussed. Reading it takes a bit of time, but the enthusiasm for the
marriage proposal is worth the eort,
I promise! Find a particularly
romantic passage from the novel and make it the centerpiece of the
application. In this way you show your sweetheart in a very personal
way that you love and appreciate him.
Application with fridge magnets
In the truest sense of the word a "cool" idea for the marriage proposal:
magnetic words. At night, secretly writes the question, "Do you want to
marry me?" with magnetic letters on the fridge. When your sweetheart
comes into the kitchen the next morning, a very special surprise awaits
him / her. The magnetic words can of course be attached to all
magnetic surfaces, from radiators and desk lamps to bathroom
A contains 510 loving words and
syllables that can be combined in any way. Of course you can also have
a - with your personal message and a romantic

Marriage proposal with designer candles - Love Edition
A special highlight for your declaration of love or the marriage proposal
are our . Romantic decoration is the be-all
and end-all - both for the application and for the moment when the
magic three words I love you! should fall the rst
time. With our candles
of love you create a magically romantic atmosphere! Our designer has
created various motifs for you - once classic, with a focus on the
essentials: I love you in black and white. And on the other hand the
variant for the creative among you: "Let's talk about love", this motif
shows how wonderfully versatile love is - some messages only show up
at second glance! Our quality candles bear the RAL seal of quality and
are made for you in a small manufactory in Germany - just click on your
favorite motif and learn more!

Application with lightbox
are not only a great gift idea, you can also use them to hold
your partner's hand in an original way. Equips a light box with the words
"Do you want to marry me?" Then invite your sweetheart to an open-air
dinner. When choosing the location, you should note that you need an
outlet for the lightbox. A garden terrace or a balcony, for example, is
well suited; an extension cord should be able to reach a socket in the
apartment. Wind and create a romantic atmosphere .
After you both have taken a seat at the table, turn on the lightbox and
surprise your partner with the marriage proposal.
Depending on the size of the lightbox, you can insert texts of dierent
lengths. If you prefer to ask the "question of all questions" orally, you
can also choose a romantic sentence, for example "I love you", "Let's
choose love", "You are my sunshine" or "I <3 you to the moon" & back ".

Is there maybe this one love lm
that your sweetheart can watch again
and again? Then just let Hollywood inspire you for the marriage
proposal and act out a famous marriage proposal scene. Strictly
speaking, no marriage proposal, but the end of "Pretty Woman" is
wonderfully romantic. Edward (Richard Gere) drives up to Vivian (Julia
Roberts) in a white limousine and leans out of the roof window with a
bouquet of red roses. The lm
scene is not cheap, but it is easy to reenact.
So that you don't drive past the house unnoticed, you can call
your sweetheart shortly beforehand and say that he or she should look
out the window.
Application at the cuddle weekend
A break from stressful everyday life and the perfect opportunity to ask
the question of all questions: surprise your sweetheart with a voucher
for a romantic weekend. The cuddle love package includes a romantic
double room decorated with roses, a bottle of sparkling wine and a
candle light dinner. Enjoy an atmospheric dinner with your sweetheart
and then propose to marry while strolling against a fantastic backdrop.
You can't get more romantic!
Here you can nd
more information about the
Wedding proposal on the beach
A holiday together is perfect to leave everyday stress behind for a while
and to get into a romantic mood. You can also use the trip to celebrate
your engagement properly. Discuss with your sweetheart which travel
destination you both wanted to see. In this way, you also make sure that
he or she really has time in the relevant week. Tip: Picturesque sandy
vouchers for romantic

beaches are particularly suitable for a wonderful marriage proposal.
You shouldn't save too much at the accommodation, after all, it should
be one of the most beautiful vacations of your life and not torture in a
cheap descent.
It is tempting to apply on the rst
day. But the moment will be even
better when you use this rst
time to lay a heart in the sand with shells
or stones on a remote part of the beach. If you stroll along the beach
with your sweetheart after a relaxing second day of vacation and a
dinner in the restaurant, you can "accidentally" pass this place. A starry
sky above you, the sound of the sea in the background - the perfect
setting for a marriage proposal!

Marriage proposal with 100 balloons
This marriage proposal will make the hearts of romantics beat faster.
Buy shaped and cords, and balloon gas to ll
balloons with helium. Find a quiet and romantic place - ideally a place
that is linked to you as a couple with a romantic memory. Make an
appointment with your sweetheart in the evening and await him or her
there with the balloons. When your partner arrives, let the balloons y
and then make the request.
Important: For legal reasons it is important that the balloons rise
individually and not bundled as a cluster of balloons. Also, you
shouldn't let them y
near an airport. Otherwise, you will need to apply for approal.

Proposal with reworks
With reworks,
the marriage proposal is guaranteed to be spectacular.
The big advantage is that you add a lot of drama to your application,
but you still don't have to do it in public. It should be noted that for
a permit from the public order oce
or mayor's oce
must be
obtained, except on New Year's Eve. If you describe your concern there
in a friendly way, that shouldn't be a problem. However, you should plan
a few weeks so that the application can be processed by the authority.
When all the formalities have been dealt with, nothing stands in the way
of reworks.
For the concrete implementation, it is best to contact a
. Now all you have to do is create
a romantic moment in which the reworks
are lit. For example, you can
cook a romantic dinner for your sweetheart at home and then go out
into the garden with him or her. As you watch the stars, the sky shines
with romantic reworks.
A moment you will remember forever!

Marriage proposal carved into a tree
This proposal idea is easy to implement, but wonderfully romantic. Find
a particularly beautiful tree in a place where you often go with your
sweetheart. Maybe there is even someone with whom you associate
romantic memories, for example because you kissed under its branches
on a date. In itself, this marriage proposal does not involve a lot of
preparation, but you should not underestimate the time it takes. Until
you read "Do you want to marry me?" carved into the bark may take a
while. If you don't want to have an audience for this, you'd better
choose the evening or early morning hours. To avoid legal problems,
you should also make sure that the tree in question is not on private
land or in a nature reserve. Instead of using a knife an edding is much
faster, but it is also much less romantic. When you have immortalized
yourself with your message, you invite your sweetheart for a walk and
leads him or her to the tree in which the question of all questions is
incised. Then you pull out the engagement ring and propose marriage.
If you do not like to carve into tree bark, need local exibility,
or whose
favorite tree is unfortunately on a private property, you can also label a
wooden heart you have bought and hang it on the tree. This is
straightforward, does not harm the tree and is easy to prepare. The
highlight: you can then take your heart with you and honor it as a
wonderful souvenir

Culinary - marriage proposal with or with the help of food
Marriage proposal with printed dishes
Guarantees the most beautiful piece of dishes your partner will ever
get! Label the bottom of a cup with (waterproof!) Edding with the
question "Do you want to marry me?". Tip: Choose a particularly at
then writing will be much easier. Surprise your sweetheart with tea or
in the morning and wait until he or she has discovered the
question on the bottom of the cup. Another variant of the application
with printed dishes is a labeled plate. Prepare it in the same way as the
bottom of the cup and buy or bake a large piece of cake. It is important
that it completely covers the text. Present the dessert to your
sweetheart as a present and watch the "question of all questions"
gradually emerge.
Application with printed magic mug
If you don't want to simply describe the dishes with an edding,
a wonderful idea for your marriage
proposal! At rst
glance it looks like a normal cup, but when you ll
with hot water it slowly reveals your message. You can design the cup
with your pictures or with text - a unique surprise for your sweetheart!

Request at the picnic
A marriage proposal at the picnic is perfect for summer. Keep track of
the weather report so you really catch a day with good weather. A quiet
meadow is suitable as the setting for the picnic. Public parks are usually
completely overcrowded on sunny days, so they can only be used as a
location if you know a real secret place. If you live in the city, it is worth
planning a little more time and going to the country for a day. Pack a
(picnic) basket with plates, cutlery, a blanket and of course the food.
Things that are easy to pack are ideal, for example salads, sandwiches,
wraps, vegetables and fruit. A cool box is ideal for drinks and
sandwiches. Because the day should develop into a festive occasion, it
also makes sense Take a bottle of wine and glasses with you - as a
precaution, however, preferably separately so that nothing can break. A
special highlight is of course a .
The perfect moment to apply is when you unpacked together and
made yourself comfortable on the blanket but haven't started eating
yet. You can then use the picnic to celebrate the joyous occasion.

Marriage proposal in the surprise egg
A simple but very original idea for the marriage proposal: an
engagement ring in a surprise egg. First, carefully fold the lm
the egg. Ideally, it should not be damaged so that the surprise egg
looks unaected
later. Then carefully separate the two halves of the
chocolate ice cream. After that, you can open the small container inside
the ice and exchange the previous content for the engagement ring.
When you have closed the box, you can put the two chocolate halves
back together and wrap the lm
around the outside. Your sweetheart
will be amazed if he or she nds
the ring inside instead of a plastic toy.
H ochzeitsantrag with Glückskeks
Typically, meaningless philosophical sayings are hidden in fortune
cookies, but they can also be used for a marriage proposal. Writes the
question "Do you want to marry me?" on a small, narrow piece of paper
(approx. 1 cm wide and 5 cm long). Then buy a bag of fortune cookies
and choose a cookie that is particularly wide open. With tweezers you
can take out the note inside and exchange it for your own. For example,
you can give your partner the fortune cookie as a dessert after a dinner

Marriage proposal at the candlelight dinner
If there is a classic marriage proposal, then probably the candle light
dinner. After all, it's not without reason that love goes through the
stomach. It will be very romantic when you expect your sweetheart at
home with a home-cooked dinner. The marriage proposal is of course a
surprise, but it is advisable to announce the dinner in advance. In order
for the dinner to be a complete success, the food itself and the
decoration are particularly important. You shouldn't put yourself under
pressure to cook a dish that is as complex as possible. Your sweetheart
will denitely
be happy about the homemade food, even if you don't set
up a gourmet menu. The main course on the evening of the marriage
proposal is, for example, heart-shaped pasta. Add a delicious sauce and
grated parmesan - the perfect main course is ready. Those who like to
stand in the kitchen serve delicious, homemade chocolate muns
as a
dessert. If you don't trust yourself to bake, you can also use small bowls
with chocolate ice cream, nicely garnished with cream and
strawberries. The plate on which the dessert is presented is on the
edge with the question "Do you want to marry me?" labeled.
The decoration for the candle light dinner is just as important as the
food. As the name suggests, candles play a central role. For even more
romance, you can sprinkle rose petals on the tablecloth. Then all that's
missing is the right music to make the ambience perfect for the
application. You can either play a playlist of romantic love songs or a self-burned CD. With so much romance, the marriage proposal can only
be a success!

The question of what the ideal marriage proposal looks like cannot be
answered universally, because not everyone wants the same for this
special moment. To make it easier for you to nd
your way around, we
have clearly divided our application ideas into categories. Is your
sweetheart romantic? Should the application take place in front of a
large audience or with something you have made yourself? Here you
will nd
the perfect idea for the marriage proposal, for every type and
every situation.
By the way, ladies: If your loved one does not respond to your subtle
hints, just take matters into your own hands! All of our marriage
proposal proposals are also a convincing argument for him.
Creative - tinker marriage proposal yourself
Marriage proposal with puzzle
Your sweetheart has a weakness for puzzles? Then this proposal idea is
perfect for you! Create a with photo and thewords "Do you want to marry me?" There are very dierent
options for
the picture: You can choose a romantic motif, for example a bouquet of
roses or a starry sky. It becomes particularly personal with a beautiful
picture of you as a couple. But you can also bring the topic of wedding
into the motive choice and take a photo of rings or a stylized wedding
couple, for example. The variant of gradually "puzzling" the marriage
proposal works primarily with inconspicuous motifs such as bouquets
of owers.
If you have chosen a couple picture, newlyweds, rings or the
like, you'd better hand over the picture as a gift, everything else would
be rather silly

Application with photo album
Those who like to tinker and have beautiful couple photos on hand can
make a marriage proposal with a personally designed photo album. It
has the best memories of getting to know each other. In addition to
photos, you can also add lyrics and other memorabilia such as cinema
or entrance tickets to the album. After you have experienced your
personal story as a couple and the most romantic moments in it while
through it with your sweetheart, the wedding proposal is a
surprise on the last page. It is best to plan enough pages to turn the
album into a wedding album and thus be able to tell your very own love
story. Of course, you can your
and printed .
b) Photos of particularly romantic couple moments
c) Other memorabilia, such as tickets
also easily have photo album created

Wedding proposal with personalized crossword
The ideal marriage proposal for puzzle fans! Create a personalized
crossword puzzle for your sweetheart and give it as a gift. The solution
to the riddle can be "Do you want to marry me?" or, if you only want to
ask the question afterwards, a romantic sentence like "I love you". It gets
even more personal when the crossword puzzle is composed of
individual questions, eg "Where were we eating on our rst
date?", "On
which day of the week did we get to know each other?" or "What is your
favorite song?" You can create the puzzle with an online tool or by hand.
The former is faster, but you have a lot more freedom when designing
the puzzle yourself.
Adventurous - marriage proposals for adventure and
adrenaline junkies
Application at the mountain top
In addition to beaches, mountains are the most popular places for
marriage proposals. This application idea is particularly useful if you
both like to hike. Maybe there is a mountain that you always wanted to
climb together? Pick a sunny weekend to put your plan into practice.
You should be aware that there is a lot of activity on popular hiking
trails, especially on weekends. If you do not want to have an audience
when applying, you may be able to ask insider tips for hiking
enthusiasts, research on the Internet or in magazines. Don't
overestimate yourself and if in doubt choose a shorter, less demanding
route. The most important tip of all: Wear well-tting
hiking shoes that
you have already run in before - with blisters on your feet, the mood will
not be quite as good when you arrive at the summit.
Well prepared, there is nothing standing in the way of the marriage
proposal on the mountain. If you have paid attention to complete
equipment and have correctly selected the route, you will arrive with your sweetheart in high spirits on the mountain peak. The feelings of
happiness will increase many times over if you make the request in
front of a breathtaking mountain panorama. The moment you stand
together on the summit, you fall on your knees in front of your
sweetheart and make the proposal.
Marriage proposal on the ferris wheel
The starry sky above you, beneath you the sea of lights at the folk
festival ... At the top of a ferris wheel is a wonderfully romantic place to
propose marriage. Before things get serious in the evening, you can
relax and enjoy the day with your sweetheart. After strolling between
the stalls in the afternoon, invite him or her to take a ride on the Ferris
wheel. When your gondola has reached the top, you declare your love
to your sweetheart, pull out the engagement ring and make the
marriage proposal.

Wedding proposal for skydiving
Your sweetheart loves adventure? Then this application idea is just right
for you! You can book a parachute jump as a complete package and
give it away for Christmas, birthday or Valentine's Day, for example. The
marriage proposal requires a bit of planning, but your partner's face will
be worth the eort
- I promise! Label a banner with the question "Do
you want to marry me?" (You can buy the fabric or simply cut an old
curtain, a large tablecloth or a bed sheet). Get your closest friends
together and instruct them when and where you'll land. You should wait
there with the banner at the appointed time. The anticipation of being
there at this special moment will surely be worth the eort When the big day comes, you can enjoy the unique experience of
skydiving. You can be sure that your sweetheart will be far too excited
to know anything about your marriage proposal. As soon as you have
landed below, you accept the banner and position yourself with the
engagement ring. Your partner will arrive in high spirits after the
parachute jump, which will increase when you make the marriage
Here you can read an experience report on the
Application in the planetarium
What could be nicer than having beautifully sparkling stars in the
background when proposing marriage? Especially in the city, however,
there is often no chance of getting a starry sky ready for lm.
solution is a marriage proposal in the planetarium. This application idea
is of course particularly useful if you live near a planetarium. If not, you
can also combine the marriage proposal with a city trip. In any case, you
can call the operators of the planetarium, kindly describe your concerns
and ask whether you can have the hall for yourself and your sweetheart
for a few minutes. Meet up with your partner for dinner and then stroll
together to the planetarium. Once you are in the darkened room, the
romantic mood will set on its own.
Marriage proposal in the tethered balloon
Almost everyone has ever seen a hot air balloon from the ground, but
only a few have already driven with one. Use this unique experience to
ask your sweetheart the question of all questions. In any case, a
fantastic backdrop is guaranteed. In addition, a hot air balloon ride is a
good alternative if you want to see the world above, but is not
adventurous enough for skydiving or bungee jumping. Tethered balloon
rides can be booked online and the voucher is a wonderful gift for
marriage proposal after
the parachute jump Christmas, Valentine's Day or a birthday. Warm spring days or early
summer are particularly good times, as far as possible it shouldn't be
summery hot or freezing cold. You will both be amazed by the view
when the landscape glides beneath you There will be another person in
the hot air balloon, but there can also be no talk of a large audience. In
addition, this has the advantage that the driver of the tethered balloon
will certainly be happy to capture the moment in pictures. After the hot
air balloon ride in the morning, you can use the rest of the day to
celebrate the joyous occasion.

Application under water
Your sweetheart and you like to dive? Then a marriage proposal under
water is perfect for you. Book the dive as the best way to end your next
summer vacation. Labeled a sign saying "Do you want to marry me?" By
laminating you make it waterproof, larger copy shops oer
that. This
sign comes with you on vacation, but of course remains hidden until the
When you are both surrounded by a fantastic underwater world, you
pull out the sign and make the marriage proposal. However, you should
either stick the engagement ring on land or at least use a less valuable
ring under water. After all, the piece of jewelry should not accidentally
disappear into the oods.
Here you can be inspired by a marriage proposal under water !

Ready for the stage - marriage proposals in front of a large
Marriage proposal in the cinema
If you literally want to have viewers when proposing marriage, an
application via cinema advertising is perfect. While this is not
necessarily the cheapest, it is a very spectacular way of asking the
question of all questions. Choose a cinema and decide (together with
your partner) for a lm.
Then contact the cinema and ask if it would be
possible to make an application in a performance. Most major cinemas
have received such a request at least once and will therefore be able to
answer the question quickly.
If your request is answered positively, then ask immediately how high
the costs are, how long the video may be, which format and which
resolution it should have. This way you save yourself the work of having
to make the video again because these formal things are wrong. If you
have already discussed the appointment and lm
with your sweetheart,
you can of course also agree with the cinema when and where exactly
the video should be played.
As soon as you have the basic data on resolution and format, you can
shoot the video. The content of it varies, of course, from pair to pair. Tell
your partner how he enriched your life and why you want to marry him.
It's not about making a Hollywood-ready video - it's important that your
words come from the heart. When the video message is ready, it is best
to send the le
in advance to your contact at the cinema so that it can
be tested - of course not yet in front of an audience.
Since going to the cinema is an everyday thing in itself, your sweetheart
will surely have no idea that you will propose marriage on this occasion.
Places on the edge or at the very front are ideal so that you can get on
your knees when proposing marriage. If the cinema is almost empty
and your companion wants to move, you can talk yourself out of it if you want to sit close to the edge if you need to use the toilet during the lm.
After the marriage proposal you will be able to laugh about it together.
By the way, you don't have to watch the lm
after the application, of
course, if you'd rather celebrate in pairs. A candle light dinner in the
restaurant makes the romantic evening perfect.

Request by radio message
Do you and your sweetheart have a favorite radio station that you listen
to together in the morning before work? Then you can use this ritual
wonderfully for a romantic marriage proposal. Just ask your radio if it
would be possible to play your marriage proposal at a certain time -
usually the answer will be "yes".
Immediately ask how long your message may be and whether the le
should have a certain format. Then record the love message for your
sweetheart and remember to send it to the radio in good time. The
easiest way is to get back to the contact person you asked for the
marriage proposal.
On the corresponding morning you can get up a little earlier than your
sweetheart (set the cell phone alarm to vibrate and place it under a
pillow) and set the table for breakfast. Maybe there is even time to go to
the bakery? If you have to fear that your partner is literally oversleeping
the marriage proposal, you can "accidentally" drop something when you
walk past the bedroom door - any annoyance will disappear in a few
minutes later. When you are sitting comfortably at breakfast, you have
to turn on the radio and wait for the crucial moment. After the love
message has been played, you fall on your knees in front of your
sweetheart and propose marriage.
Wedding proposal with serenade
If you want to have family and friends with you when proposing
marriage, this proposal idea is perfect for you. You can choose a love
song (as easy to sing as possible) for the application. Ideal is a song that
is linked to a special memory for you and your sweetheart - maybe the
song you danced to for the rst
time? But you can also rhyme a few
lines yourself, after all it is incredibly romantic to have your "own" song
as a couple. It is not important to write the next chart hit. Just try to put
your feelings into words this way and tell your partner how much he
means to you. Those who like to play guitar can serenade solo, but it
becomes even more beautiful and spectacular with a as an
accompaniment. With more instruments, a few skewed notes are much
less noticeable. Let the musicians know which song should be played
or send them your self-written song.
Now all you have to do is gather those you would like to have with you
when proposing marriage and agree with the band when and where the
proposal should take place. Pick a sunny day, preferably at the
weekend, and ring the doorbell at your door. Your partner will be wideeyed
when he sees you at the front door. Then you will perform your
song while the musicians are playing in the background. You can
distribute heart balloons to family members and friends, which will be
released when you have nished
playing. Then you fall on your knees in
front of your sweetheart and propose marriage.

Application for a posted poster
Your sweetheart comes across a billboard on the way to work in the
morning? Then use this space to surprise him or her with a spectacular
marriage proposal. You can design your poster online and book the
advertising space, but you should plan a few weeks or months
depending on the location, so that the space is really free. The cost per day depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the poster, the
number of other poster locations in the area, lighting and poster
viewers per location. You should also ensure that a one-day booking is
even possible with the relevant provider. After all, your marriage
proposal should not hang in the city center for weeks. Of course you are
completely free in the design, it is only recommended
If your partner sees the poster on the way to work, you should of course
have time in the morning on the relevant day to be on site. Get a head
start by claiming to have to leave the house earlier that day. Find a
hiding place near the poster and wait for your treasure to pass. You can
rest assured that he or she will remain surprised when the billboard
comes into view. At this moment you step out of your hiding place and
propose marriage.
Love at a distance - marriage proposals from a distance
Marriage proposal with messenger of love
Send a surprise package to your loved one. No matter where you want
to surprise your partner, whether in the oce
or at home, completely
unsuspecting, he or she will open the package - and a red heart balloon
rises. You can attach a card to the balloon to ask the question of all
questions: "Do you want to marry me?". Just share your love or make a
surprising marriage proposal that soars to heaven on cloud nine ... Pure
romance with the oating
Application with video message
A video comes closest to a personal conversation, so this variant is very
suitable if you want to make a marriage proposal from a distance. You
don't have to be video experts with professional equipment to do this.
You can easily shoot a video message with your mobile phone. It is
easier if you organize a helper for the shoot, who uses the cell phone or
the camera, but you can also work with a tripod and the self-timer
function. Most of these devices also have a very acceptable sound
quality (be sure to try them out beforehand!). If you want an even higher
quality video, you can buy a recording device - these are available on
the Internet at very aordable
Once you've made the marriage proposal video, you can drag it onto a
computer and burn it to CD. In any case, it is advisable to send the video
message in this form, since it then seems a bit impersonal to send the
video only digitally. You can also make it part of a lovingly packed
package this way, for example, along with owers
and a ticket for a
personal meeting. Whether you want to send the engagement ring with you is up to you, but it is of course much more romantic to hand it over
"live". Once you have sent the parcel, all you have to do is wait until your
sweetheart has received the message. With so much romance, nothing
should go wrong!
Application with love letter
In times of email and WhatsApp, letters are rarely written. But there is
something wonderfully romantic about receiving a handwritten love
letter. A declaration of love written on paper conveys appreciation in a
very special way. In addition, sometimes it's just easier to put your
feelings down on paper than to get the marriage proposal speech o
the cu.
Write to someone special with whom you want to spend the
rest of your life, how much he means to you and why he is just great. As
an alternative to a "normal" love letter, you can give your marriage
proposal letter a special form, eg "10 out of 1000 reasons to love you".
With a love letter you can make a request from afar, or you can hand it
over to your partner and watch Very easy - marriage proposals with child or baby
Marriage proposal with baby bodysuits
Being a new parent and celebrating a wedding - that means double
happiness! the marriage proposal with a
is a very sweet way to ask the "question of all questions". Since you want
to marry and not the baby, the question in this case shouldn't be "Do
you want to marry me?" or "Do you want to be my wife?" ring. Possible
phrases are "Mom, do you want to marry Dad?" or "Do you want to marry
my papa?" You can order a personalized romper online or buy a solid
color, which you then label with edding or textile pen.

Wakes up at night (there shouldn't be a lack of opportunities with a
baby) and pulls on the baby bodysuit. Then when your sweetheart goes
to the nursery in the morning, you hide with the ring until he or she has
read the question. Then you come out of your hiding place and make
the application.
Child delivers engagement ring
Do you have an older child? Then you can easily include it in the
marriage proposal and have the engagement ring delivered, for
example. Instruct your little "assistant" exactly what to do so that
nothing goes wrong at the big moment. You can also buy a t-shirt
online with the words "Mom, do you want to marry Dad?" Have it printed
or label one yourself. A good time for the marriage proposal is, for
example, when your sweetheart comes home from work and you have
previously picked up your child. Send your little helper dressed with the
application T-shirt and with the ring box in hand. Wait for the rst
surprise moment to pass and then come out of your hiding place.
Still haven't got the sparkling marriage proposal idea? You can nd
more suggestions for unforgettable marriage proposals
And should you still be looking for the right engagement ring - we have
wonderful suggestions and many tips for you to buy the
here ...
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