Free wedding ceremony

 The free wedding ceremony has been becoming more and more popular for some years and many bridal couples will also opt for this alternative wedding ceremony this year. We'll tell you what makes the free wedding ceremony so special and why an important factor for a successful ceremony, according to your wishes

What is a free wedding? Every bridal couple would like a very personal, individual wedding full of emotions. The civil marriage usually takes place in a more objective context and the way in which the registrar is addressed is standardized and must address the legal and less emotional aspects of the marriage. The church oers an appropriately celebratory setting, but couples who have left the church, belong to dierent religions or who imagine a completely free and individual wedding, want an even more personal alternative for their big moment. The free wedding oers bridal couples everything: A ceremony that is completely tailored to the wishes and ideas of the couple, in a solemn setting or completely relaxed in the great outdoors, religious or secular. As with civil or church weddings, the climax of a free wedding ceremony is when the bride and groom put the ring on each other . And same-sex couples can also express their love for one another with a free wedding ceremony and seal their connection. 

What are the advantages of a free wedding? With free weddings you are not tied to a specic location. It is often advisable to hold the wedding ceremony in or at the same location where the wedding celebration will take place later. If you are planning the wedding celebration in a beautiful castle or an estate, for example, there is nothing to prevent the wedding ceremony from being held on site. When the weather is nice under the open sky on a meadow or on the shore of a lake, a free wedding ceremony on the beach is just as possible as a wedding in a romantic tower room or in a loft with a spectacular view of the skyline of a big city - there are no limits to your imagination ! But not only the free choice of location speaks for this type of wedding. The freelance graduate theologian Friederike Keck, expert for "alternative weddings", emphasizes another advantage of the free wedding ceremony: "It is open to all couples, regardless of a certain worldview or religious aliation. To what extent these play a role and the ceremony should be religious or secular determine the couples themselves. " semi formal dresses australia  

Why professionals make the ceremony perfectIn order for the wedding ceremony to really meet the couple's wishes and make their dreams come true, it is important to place the ceremony in the hands of a professional. have specialized in this type of wedding ceremony. These theologians work independently of the church, so they are not pastors. When looking for a free theologian, the website provides further information and contacts. Here the dierent theologians introduce themselves: "Each with his own concept, each colleague has a lot of tips, suggestions and ideas for the formal and contentrelated design of the process, because such a ceremony lives from more than just a passable speech. Besides the right words It requires the creation of an appropriate atmosphere, and the right music, suitable symbols, perhaps the involvement of the groomsmen or the guests make the ritual lively, unique and an unforgettable experience, "says Friederike Keck. She recommends at least two discussions before the wedding so that the approach and the process can be designed as personally and individually as possible. "The focus is always on the bride and groom with their story, their wishes, hopes and what this step means for both of them." The free theologians and wedding speakers are independent service providers who receive a fee for their work. How high the costs for such a free wedding are is just as dierent as the oer of the theologians and must be claried with the respective provider. But you should expect prices from around 500 euros. You can nd a list of independent theologians in your area in our Free theologians and wedding speakers weddix business directory. 


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