Wedding games - please not like that!
Despite good intentions, the word wedding games alone sets the alarm
bells ringing for many guests. Not without good reason, after all, instead
of having fun and entertainment, it is all too often that people are
ashamed of others. The borrowed china is broken during exercise games, an ambulance has to be called after the third sack race, or
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For all those who want to spare themselves and the wedding guests
exertions of this kind, we have put together ve refreshingly
uncomfortable, funny wedding games. Whether as an afternoon
entertainment or as an icebreaker at the beginning of the wedding
celebration - with these games for the wedding, an exuberant
atmosphere is guaranteed - without any external shame factor!
1. Wedding game: guessing proles

A bit of planning is required for this wedding game: Together with the
invitation, the bride and groom will send each wedding guest a small
prole to ll out. For the game to work, it shouldn't contain too much
information about the person's appearance - and the line with the
guest's name must remain empty. The completed forms are then either
sent back with a reply card or collected before the wedding reception.
Each wedding guest has to draw a card at the ceremony and guess
who it is. This game is particularly suitable for the beginning of the
celebration, because it allows the guests to get to know each other
better and immediately have points of contact for a conversation.
2. Wedding game: The hiking present
Often the gifts are collected on a gift table during the
celebration and then opened by the bride and groom in peace when
the whole hustle and bustle of the wedding is over. Especially when it
comes to bridging the time between the wedding ceremony and the
celebration in the evening, giving a gift can also be turned into a fun
wedding game. A bit of planning is also required here; it is best for the
groomsmen to prepare a beautifully wrapped "hiking present"
especially for this purpose. One of the great advantages of this wedding
game is that it gets the wedding party moving, but not in the hectic,
chaotic way that too often degrades the decor.
And this is how it works: A wedding guest reads out from a card to
whom the package should be passed next. The highlight: The names
are not mentioned, but information such as "The person with the
highest heels" or "The bride's cousin". Only when every guest has had
the hiking present is it ceremoniously presented to the bride and
3. Wedding game: who am I?
This game is a real party classic for a reason! The principle is very
simple: Each wedding guest is stuck a card on the forehead with the
name of a famous personality. By asking questions, the guest has to
guess which celebrity it is. Preparation is necessary here to the extent
that the room conditions should be right. At a long table it is easy to get
bored with the game because several guests cannot guess at the same
time. Small wedding parties can say "Who am I?" also play together,
with larger ones it is cheaper if the individual tables each form a "play
4. Wedding game: wedding pub quiz
A real wedding classic is the "marriage suitability quiz", which tests how
well the bride and groom know each other - but why not just turn the
tables and put the wedding guests to the test? In addition, the whole
wedding party is involved in this variant, not just the bride and groom.
The newlyweds read out questions about their meeting, their
relationship or themselves, which the guests have to answer. Of course,
the winner of the funny wedding game was the table that could provide
the most correct answers.
Questions about anecdotes from the childhood of the bride and groom,
for example, provide a lot of amusement - although the level should not
drop too far here.
5. Wedding game: guess groups
This game is also well suited for the beginning of the wedding
celebration, because the bride and groom get to know the wedding
guests better and get this conversation piece for later conversations.
The wedding guests sit in rows in front of the bride and groom, behind
the bride and groom a captain holds up signs with characteristics. All
guests to whom the characteristic applies must stand up. Now the
newlyweds have to guess what is common to all the people who have
Weddix tip: wedding newspaper with a crossword puzzle
Another great idea for entertaining guests at the wedding is a custom
wedding newspaper. It is not only a wonderful surprise and memory for
the bridal couple, but also for the wedding guests and ensures a good
mood during the wedding celebration. For example, you can integrate
crossword puzzles or other puzzles into the content and ask the guests
to solve them - whoever guesses the answer rst will then receive a
prize (a dance with the bride, a gift basket - there are no limits to your
creativity!) . You can nd tips, ideas and templates for your
newspaper in our guide. long sleeve formal dresses
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